Mental Health Care Reform in California

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Dajon Reed


Sunrise March 29, 1995

Sunset July 27, 2019

I lost my Beloved Son Dajon Reed at the age of 24 years old, he was struck and killed by a train at 4:30am, less than 9 months after a Fresno Superior Court Judge released him from a temporary LPS conservatorship, going against psychiatrist recommendations that he be held on a LPS Conservatorship. My son was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar and suffered with severe substance abuse disorder.  As his mental health worsened, he developed the condition called anosognosia, it’s when a person with a severe mental health illness lacks awareness and insight that they have a disease, and they begin refusing treatment, the LPS law is rendered useless at this point, useless to the family of loved one and useless to the individual who is gravely disabled, a harm to themselves and a harm to others.

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Let’s save lives in Dajon’s memory.

I am grateful that my son never went to prison nor was he homeless, but many times when his symptoms were severe (extremely psychotic and delusional, off his meds) he would threaten to leave to Los Angeles. Dajon believed actors and actresses were talking to him through the television telling him to come there. As a Licensed Marriage and Family therapist, working for county and prison systems, I have witnessed individual's cycle through emergency rooms, prison and to the streets without getting the help they need.  Parents are told that if they want their adult child to get the help they need, (referencing an LPS Conservatorship), then the parent needs to let their adult child become homeless because “it is the only way.”  This places the individual at more risk of being perpetrated and victimized, worsens mental health and only continues the cycle until they get LPS conservatorship or die. California's mentally ill homeless population is proof that something is out of balance! We need mental health care reform in California now!

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Advocacy, Awareness, Education & Fighting for Change in Dajon’s Memory

5150 criteria needs to be reviewed and revised to bring more clarification and metrics put in place. Many who are diagnosed with severe mental illness can present well for minutes at a time and are well versed on how to answer the criteria questions. Dr. Michelle Reed, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Advocate of Mental Health Care Reform of the California in memory of her Beloved Son Dajon Reed. Pictured here she is a keynote speaker at the National Alliance on Mental Health sharing her Son’s story. Dr. Reed regularly advocates with Senators and Legislators pushing to reform the California LPS Act


September 2023, Senator Eggman highlighted Dajon’s story

Follow this link for the full interview

Sunset: July 27, 2019

“I lost my son at the age of 24 years old, he was struck and killed by a train at 4:30am, less than 9 months after a Fresno Superior Court Judge released him from a temporary LPS conservatorship, going against psychiatrist recommendations that he be held on a LPS Conservatorship. My son was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar and suffered with severe substance abuse disorder. As his mental health worsened, he developed the condition called anosognosia, it’s when a person with a severe mental health illness lacks awareness and insight that they have a disease, and they begin refusing treatment, the LPS law is rendered useless at this point, useless to the family of loved one and useless to the individual who is gravely disabled, a harm to themselves and a harm to others.”

— Mother of a son fighting for change in his memory, Dajon Reed


Michelle Gonzales-Reed


Podcast Trailer May 2023 Michelle’s interview with Kimi Culp bringing awareness to the need for mental health care reform in California

Follow this link for the full interview


Dajon’s painting is completed for the Art Museums display in September 2023 (Mental Health Awareness Month) at CMAC television and October 2023 (World Mental Health Day) at Fresno Arts Museum

Special thank you to my dear friend, Artist, Leonard Nevels ♥️


The Fresno City Council’s Office and Mayor Dyer on October 13, 2022, issued a Proclamation in honor of Dajon’s life and memory, designating “Mental Illness Awareness Week”highlighting Dajon’s fight with mental illness, bringing awareness, removing stigma and reforming laws for those who are suffering, to be acknowledged October 2nd through the 8th yearly in the City of Fresno.


Certificate In Recognition of “Mental Illness Awareness Week” Presented October 8th, 2022 by Andreas Borgeas, Member of the State Senate, Eighth District of California


Podcast May 2022, with Dr Michelle Reed, Worldwide Boxing Champion Mia St John and Katie Cunningham, Chief External Affairs Officer with the JED Foundation discussing Mental Health Care Reform


Opinion October 2022: Fresno Mother lost her Son to Mental Illness; now she helps others avoid the same fate, published in the Fresno Bee, click below

Blog May 2022: Challenging the System: One Woman’s Fight for Mental Health Reform/published by The JED Foundation, click below


Dr. Michelle Reed regularly advocates with legislators both republican and democratic. Here she is speaking with Congresswoman Julia Brownley, June 2022 telling Dajon’s story



California Must Do More to Help the Long-Term Mentally ill

“The LPS Act is in desperate need of reform. The number of homeless individuals on our streets with severe mental illness should be enough evidence that something is out of kilter.”

Senator Moorelach, 2020


Son, you are the wind beneath my wings, Love always and forever, your Mom and Best Friend


Photographed in Sacramento California, Mom, Dr. Michelle Reed advocating and educating at the Out of the Darkness Suicide Walk 2020